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Compatible ink cartridge for use in Neopost IJ25/IJ25e/Autostamp/MSL250/Jet 250/Sure Jet IJ25/Jetmail 250.
Available with red or blue ink.
Compatible ink cartridge for use in Neopost IJ30/35/40/45/50/MSL350/MSL450/Sure Jet IJ35/Jetmail 350.
Available with red or blue ink.
Compatible ink cartridge for use in Neopost IJ65/70/75/80/85/MSL650/Sure Jet IJ65/Jetmail 650.
Available with red or blue ink.
Compatible blue ink cartridge for use in Neopost IS240/280.

Compatible blue ink cartridge for use in Neopost IS330/350/420/430/440/460/480.
Compatible high volume blue ink cartridge for use in Neopost IS460/480.
Compatible Mailmark blue ink cartridge for use in Neopost IS330/350/420/430/440/460/480, IN360/600.
Compatible high volume Mailmark blue ink cartridge for use in Neopost IS460/480, IN700.

Remanufactured blue ink cartridge for use in Neopost IS5000/6000.
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